Minggu, 09 November 2014

KOTA LAMA ( Visual Imagery Architecture  Europe in Northern Semarang)

History of the Old Town started from signatory agreement between the Kingdom of Mataram and VOC on January 15, 1678. At that time, Semarang Amangkurat II surrender to the VOC as payment for VOC has helped quell the rebellion Trunojoyo Mataram. After Semarang is under the full authority of the VOC, the city began to be built. A fort named Vijfhoek used as a residence of Dutch citizens and military center was built. Eventually, the fort was not sufficient, so people began to build houses in the east of the fort. Not only the houses of citizens, government buildings and offices were also established.

From the beginning, the development of the Old City which was then known as the de Europeeshe Buurt design concept adapted to cities in Europe, both structurally and in terms of the architecture of the region. In contrast to the structure of cities or kingdoms in Java are very concerned about the concept of cardinal directions, the structure of the buildings in the Old City have a radial pattern or converging with Blenduk church and government buildings at the center. In the vicinity of the Old City built water canals that its existence can still be seen today. Although not pay attention to the concept of direction of the wind, the arrangement in the center of the Old Town adopted the concept of Javanese culture, namely the unity between the government buildings, public spaces, and places of worship.

Seeing the rapid development of the city fortress Vijfhoek finally dismantled and built a new fort that surrounds the entire area of the Old City. This is why the Old City dubbed as the Little Netherland. Separate location with similar landscape in European cities and large forts and canals that surround the Old City make like a miniature Dutch in Semarang. For easy access in and out of Dutch citizens, constructing feeder roads in the castle with a main street named de Herenstaart now turned into Jalan Lt. Suprapto. The road is located directly in front of the church Blenduk also be part of the post along the highway that stretches 1,000 miles along the Anyer Panarukan.

One building that must be visited when visiting the Old Town is the Church Blenduk already more than a quarter of a century old. Church, whose real name Nederlandsch Indische Kerk and is still used as a place of worship until now become landmarks of Semarang. Called by the name Blenduk because it has a dome-shaped roof red brick made of bronze and two twin towers in front of him. Indigenous people who have difficulty pronouncing the name in Dutch was finally call Blenduk. The name change also occurs in Berok bridge that used to be the gateway to the Old Town. Burg word meaning bridge into a skirt and pronounced the name continued to be used until now.

The other building is no less interesting and save the myriad of stories among other buildings with ornament seba to Marabunta giant ants in the roof. Het Noorden building now used as the office of the editor of Suara Merdeka Group is the first point of the history of print media in Hyderabad. Not far away there is a nearby cigarette factory Praoe Lajar. There is also Tawang Station indis architectural style that is still operated today. In front of Tawang polder water that serves as a central sewage before it is released into the sea. After circling the complex of the Old City, YogYES shelter Srigunting park that was once an open area and used for soldiers parade and live entertainment. While in front of the building there is a BNI once a government office VOC. Sitting in a beautiful garden surrounded accompanied by birdsong and the European-style buildings made YogYES feel noni Dutch who are traveling.

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